APABA, a 501(c)(6) organization, is the oldest and largest association of Asian Pacific American attorneys in the Washington, DC area. Founded in 1981, APABA is an affiliate chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. This blog is the product of efforts by the APABA Executive Board. It will provide updates on APABA activities and serve as a forum for feedback. APABA encourages its members to post their thoughts as comments to this blog.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Community Affairs Committee
  • APABA and its members regularly work with the Asian Pacific American community in the D.C. area to address law-related needs. In coalition with other organizations, APABA activities have included participating in door-to-door crime surveys of area Asian merchants, facilitating "townhall" meetings with the D.C. Mayor and City Council Members, and conducting training sessions on cultural sensitivity for federal government agencies and the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. Contact Raymond Rull.
Programs Committee
  • In conjunction with its general membership meetings, APABA holds programs each month to provide members with professional or career development, personal management, and networking opportunities. Some recent programs have featured issues such as affirmative action, an insider's view into the U.S. Solicitor General's office, and pursuing alternative careers with a law degree. Contact: Sanya Sukduang.
Membership Committee
  • Because APABA's operating revenues come from membership dues and donations, APABA relies on recruiting and retaining a strong base of membership to maintain its activities. APABA is always seeking opportunities to provide its members with additional benefits, such as discounted access to local events or merchants. Contact: Jovanna Bello.
Communications and Newsletter Committee
  • APABA distributes a monthly Newsletter & Calendar of Events and also regularly publishes the APABA Newsjournal, which features in-depth articles and stories. In addition, APABA disseminates community news and announcements and information about APABA through its website. APABA is always looking for volunteers to help with web design, graphic layouts, mail stuffing, and copy editing for its all its various media. Contact: Cecelia TaBois (newsletter) or Luke Bellocchi (website).
Endorsements Committee
  • APABA regularly evaluates and endorses candidates for the local judiciary and the D.C. Board of Governors. APABA also seeks to advance federal appointments on behalf of high-ranking Asian Pacific Americans. Contact: John Truong.


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