APABA, a 501(c)(6) organization, is the oldest and largest association of Asian Pacific American attorneys in the Washington, DC area. Founded in 1981, APABA is an affiliate chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. This blog is the product of efforts by the APABA Executive Board. It will provide updates on APABA activities and serve as a forum for feedback. APABA encourages its members to post their thoughts as comments to this blog.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mentoring Program Kickoff Reception A Success

Written by Stephanie Carnes, PAR Committee

Seventeen attorneys attended APABA-DC’s Attorney Mentoring Reception, which was graciously hosted by Arent Fox, PLLC in Washington, DC. The November 30th event kicked off a year long mentoring program sponsored by APABA-DC’s Practicing Attorneys Resource (PAR) Committee. PAR’s mentoring program pairs attorneys according to area of practice and career goals. The goal of the program is to create a mutually rewarding personal and professional partnership that will assist participants in broadening their network while gaining insight and understanding from each other’s experiences.

The informal and intimate gathering introduced mentees to their respective mentors and provided all attendees with an opportunity to meet and network over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. APABA-DC President John C. Truong thanked the participants for attending and stressed the importance of mentoring relationships.

If you are interested in learning more about PAR’s Mentoring Program or joining the PAR Committee, please contact May C. Lee or Leah Frazier at par@apaba-dc.org.


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