APABA, a 501(c)(6) organization, is the oldest and largest association of Asian Pacific American attorneys in the Washington, DC area. Founded in 1981, APABA is an affiliate chapter of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. This blog is the product of efforts by the APABA Executive Board. It will provide updates on APABA activities and serve as a forum for feedback. APABA encourages its members to post their thoughts as comments to this blog.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Your Career is a Battlefield

APABA-DC Practicing Attorney Resource Program

Do you want to be perceived and promoted as a leader? Do you understand what it takes to navigate office etiquette? How do you get noticed and maintain relationships with people you work with? How do you be a part of the team but also take credit when credit is due and distinguish yourself and shine? How do you delegate without being too passive? If there are cliques in your workplace, how do you deal with them? Participants will learn useful tips about these issues and more.

Speaker: Eileen Levitt, SPHR - President
Ms. Eileen Levitt founded The HR Team in 1996. Ms. Levitt has more than 18 years of human resource experience relating to human resources strategy, employee communications, employee training, recruitment and retention strategies, executive/employee coaching, employee benefits, financial management, compensation, and policy/procedure development. In 10 years, Ms. Levitt built her business from a basement operation to one that has worked with over 300 companies and employs 10 people. Ms. Levitt's greatest accomplishments have involved the implementation of cost effective and time efficient recruiting and retention practices that have allowed companies to attract and retain high quality employees. As a result, she sits on a number of boards and is frequently quoted in local and national publication like: The Washington Business Journal, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and more. Ms. Levitt received a BS degree in Finance from The American University, and an MBA from The University of Baltimore. In addition, she holds a certificate from Harvard Law School on Negotiation and Managing HR Effectiveness. She is a Certified Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR).

Location: Covington & Burling LLP
1201 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
11th Floor
Washington, DC 20004
Closest metro stops: Federal Triangle or Metro Center

(There is no charge for the event.)

When: Tuesday, February 27, 2007
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Contact: Please RSVP to Leah Frazier at lfrazier@milchev.com by February 25, 2007.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The RSVP link does not work.

8:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the email address par@apaba-dc.org does not work, so I can't RSVP.

2:44 PM

Blogger May C. Lee said...

We are addressing this issue and will re-post the flyer soon. Thank you for alerting us to this matter.

--May C. Lee, PAR C0-Chair

9:37 PM


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